
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Microsoft Delivers IE9 Developer Preview 2

Microsoft has released a Platform Preview of Internet Explorer 9, which promises to be more interoperable than ever. Also this include support for Web standards such as HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets 3 and Scalable Vector Graphics.

Ted Johnson, founder of Visio and partner program manager for Internet Explorer said Microsoft will support SVG 1.1 and in IE9 will support document structure, basic shapes, paths, text, transforms, painting, filling and color, scripting, styling, gradients and patterns, clipping and mashing, and markers and symbols. However, IE9 will not support SVG fonts, declarable animation or filter effects, he said.

To help speed up JavaScript performance, Microsoft delivered a brand new JavaScript engine, known as "Chakra".

To improve JavaScript performance even more, Chakra does something quite different from other script engines today. It has a separate background thread for compiling JavaScript. Windows runs that thread in parallel on a separate core when one is  available. Compiling in the background enables users to keep interacting with Web pages while IE generates even faster code.  By running separately in the background, this process can take advantage of today’s multi-core machines – so, users with a Core2Duo or QuadCore or i7 can apply that power to making Web pages faster without any additional effort.