Recently, I came across a strange issue when working with dynamic SQL query along with varbinary data type. I need to insert user’s uploaded image into database.
Because I have multiple varbinary columns to store
images, I thought of using single stored procedure to handle insert or updated
and that too with single varbinary input parameter along with the intended column.
We build dynamic SQL query and formatted it with the
column name as well as binary array (image) content as input parameter. See
Set @Query =
'INSERT INTO [dbo].[DashboardImage]( [MemberID], '
+ @Field + ')VALUES('+ convert(varchar(max), @MemberID) +','+ cast(@Value as varchar(max)) +')'
Where the input parameter declared as:
@Value varbinary(max),
@Field varchar(200),
When compiled everything was fine. However, when executed
with input parameters the query produces type conversion errors like "Cannot convert
value from varchar to varbinary" or “Explicit
conversion from data type to varchar is
not allowed” or "String or binary data would be truncated."
After going through online resources I got a solution as predefined
function “master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@Value)” within
Master database which will convert varbinary data type to a varchar or string.
So, here is the new dynamic query which solved our
Set @Query = 'INSERT INTO
[dbo].[DashboardImage]( [MemberID], ' +
@Field + )VALUES('+ convert(varchar(max), @MemberID) +','+ master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@Value) + ')'
And finally to execute the query
Happy Coding