
Friday, October 25, 2013

How-to Opt-out from Google Ads not to spoof your Gmail emails

In recent times, there has been a lot of controversy around Google and its ad behavior in Gmail. Microsoft claims that Google is reading all your Gmail emails to display relevant ads. Microsoft goes a step further and created a television ad campaign called "SCROOGLED!" to fight against Google and help netizen to safeguard their private information and to shift from Gmail to Outlook.

Here are the steps for all Gmail users to maintain their privacy settings and opt-out from share their information like age, gender, location and interests.

Step 1: As you can notice from the below image there are different ad slots in your Gmail inbox. Click on "Why this ad?" or "Ads (i)" link and modify your Google ad Settings.

Step 2: Control your ads settings.

Step 3: You can control your ads on Google and Google Ads across the web.

Step 4: At the bottom of the screen on Step 3, you can see Opt-Out links for both Google and the web.

Step 5: Opt-Out confirmation for Ads on Google.

Step 6: Opt-Out confirmation for Google Ads across the Web

Step 7: Finally, go to (see Step 4 image) choice page to opt-out from DoubleClick and other companies cookies used for internet based ads.

There by following the above steps, you can safeguard your private information like emails, chat conversations between wife and a husband or close friends from being spoofed.

Let me know your personal experience and hope this helps :)